The Cenotaph Cradle

Hospital Approved Bereavement Cradle
The Cenotaph Smart Cradle was designed specifically so parents and loved ones are afforded the time to properly say goodbye to a deceased baby.

Forever in Your Heart

Designed to the highest medical standards,
hand made by master Amish craftsman
It has been proven if parents can be given an environment and a period of time to slow things down and spend time with their infant, the benefits transcend across the emotional, physical and psychological.
Whether the baby has passed from stillbirth, accident, injury, or illness, families can use this time making memories with their baby. These memories will be the moments that will help heal their hearts in the days, weeks, months and years to come.
Compliance: This device exceeds or complies with hospital equipment standards for use within hospital environments. UL 61010-1:2012 CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-1-12
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On Thursday August 10th, 2023, Dean and I entered Daisy’s NICU room to what we now know to be the last Thursday of her life. Daisy suffered a severe brain injury during delivery called Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE).
During her six-and-a-half-week life, Daisy fought extremely hard through countless tests, procedures, and gained strength the best she could. Daisy told us, her parents, and her medical team, that she was ready to be comfortable and at peace. Listening to Daisy, we transitioned to a family friendly room for the remainder of her life. READ MORE HERE
Our cradles are proudly placed at these,
and many other hospitals all over the USA


It was such a special night. The staff made it part of their Annual Remembrance Service which was just so lovely. Jenna and some other parents shared their story, others read poems, prayers were said, candles were lit, music was played and songs were sang. All of our babies were remembered as their names were read aloud and we were given a white rose for each. It was a beautiful tribute to all of our babies.
There's no doubt about it, we were dealt a crappy hand losing our babies. But they 100% matter and they 100% were created with a purpose! Jenna gifted this cradle because of Haven and now so many other loss families are going to be able to spend as much time as they need with their sweet babies before having to say goodbye.

Through another bereaved family, I learned of the Cenotaph Amish Bereavement Cradle. The cradle was designed to help preserve the body of an infant after death and allow families to spend more time with their loved one (several days if desired).
With the help of our family, friends and the community this September, his second birthday, we were so graciously fortunate to be able to secure a Cenotaph Cradle in loving honor of our sweet Bryson James.
While it is our prayer that this cradle never be used, unfortunately, it will. We pray that the families who accept this gift feel God’s love and lean into His grace for peace and understanding.

Just a few short months ago it was on my heart to bring the first infant cooling crib to Tallahassee. The technology of this Amish Cooling Cradle provides parents and family the desired time with their baby. This cradle offers parents and family members time to hold their baby while taking the time grieve as desired for each family. Every second spent with their baby is another memory they will never get back. This cradle allows the “gift of time” by slowing the natural changes allowing the family the time to say a proper goodbye.
Because of each one of you we were able to make this dream a reality. I never imagined in just a few short months, we would be hand-delivering the very first cooling cradle to Capital Regional Medical Center. We can’t thank each one of you enough for allowing us to be able to make this dream a reality. I pray this cradle is never needed, but if that time comes, I pray that some family is allowed the time they need to love on their angel baby until they feel peace with their final earthly goodbye.